Brush Removal Information for Bristol, Plymouth, Plainville and Harwinton Residents
November 22, 2011Bristol
- City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 24 and Friday November 25 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. There will be no curbside collections on Thursday, November 24 and the Transfer Station will also be closed.
- Thursday curbside collections (rubbish, recycle and yard waste) will be done on Friday, November 25. Friday collections will be done on Saturday, November 26.
- The Transfer Station will be open until 5:00 p.m. Friday, November 25 through Sunday November 27 to assist residents with storm debris disposal.
- Leaf bag collection and yard waste service has been extended through the week of December 12. Please bring leaf bags to the curb once they are full (before your rubbish day) and have yard waste barrels at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day.
- City crews continue to work dawn until dusk 7 days a week cleaning curbside storm debris. The city anticipates completion of the initial phase of this operation by November 28.
- After that date, the city will begin the final phase of storm debris removal citywide. In order to accomplish this, the city is requesting that residents have all storm related brush and branch debris placed at the curb no later than Monday, December 5.
- The transfer station hours are extended until 5:00 p.m. through December 10 for residents who wish to help the city by bringing storm debris to the Transfer Station.
- Here are some guidelines for debris placement:
- Debris must be storm-generated and from private property only. If possible, keep piles of debris clear of overhead power lines and tree limbs.
- Do not block sidewalks or allow branches to extend into the road.
- If needed, brush/branches can be up to 10 feet back from the curb.
- Do not place leaves or storm debris in storm drains.
- Keep debris piles away from intersections and traffic signs.
- Residents must bring the branches to the curb and it will then be picked up by the Town. If you have any questions, please call the Public Works department at 793-0221 ext. 208.
- The transfer station will be open seven days a week for residents to bring their leaves at no charge. The town has cancelled the leaf collection program for this year. If you bag your leaves and bring them to the Transfer Station, you MUST dump the leaves out of the bags. Residents are asked not to deposit the leaves on the side of the town roadways.
- Brush will also be accepted at the transfer station at no charge.
- Residents are encouraged to consider mulching their leaves or composting them. Information regarding the composting of leaves can be found on-line at or by going to the Master Gardeners website.
- Additionally, the Youth Services Department has a list of Middle School students that are available to assist homeowners with leaf collection at a nominal hourly rate or negotiated price. People interested in this service can contact Youth Services at 860-793-0221 ext. 261.
- The Public Works Department will be chipping brush throughout the town through November 23.
- Brush debris should be stacked at curbside in front of the property. Debris material should consist of brush material only.
- Trees or limbs larger than 6 inches in diameter will not be acceptable for chipping activities. Residents are asked to stack the debris in the same direction so that the crews can easily remove it from the curb to the chipper machine.
- Questions regarding debris removal? Call the Mayor’s Office (860-585-4001) and/or the Public Works Department (860-585-4030).
- Brush facility hours will be Monday through Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. until November 26. (Closed November 24 & 25 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.)
- Residents are encouraged to deal with the brush themselves, not piling it on the side of the road.
- The town has crew out chipping and cleaning up, but only in the town’s rights of way.
- Among the options for dealing with brush and downed limbs: Hire a contractor and have them chipped, burn the debris or recycle it. A burn pile, however, requires a permit, which may be obtained by contacting (860) 485-0144.
Please forward this information to your friends and neighbors, and please feel free to contact me with any comments at [email protected] or 1-800-842-1421.