State Senator Kevin Kelly Opposes Paid Sick Leave
May 26, 2011Hartford – Today, State Senator Kevin Kelly (R-21) stood in opposition to increased mandates on Connecticut’s business community. Senator Kelly spoke against and cast a ‘no’ vote on imposing paid sick leave on businesses.
Senate Bill 913, An Act Mandating Employers Provide Sick Leave to Employees, requires employers with fifty or more employees to provide paid sick leave to certain employees.
Senator Kelly speaks on the bill on the floor of the Senate
Regarding the impact of this bill, Senator Kelly said, “This is another economic impediment. While many may think it is a good initiative, it is simply more anti-business legislation. By passing this bill into law, the government is again extending its reach – through increased regulations – into the business community.
“I campaigned on the pledge to put Connecticut back to work and find employment for those without jobs, not to give more benefits to those blessed to have a job.”
Under the bill, employees can use this paid time off for use for the employee’s sickness, the employee’s child’s, parent’s or spouse’s sickness, or to deal with sexual assault or family violence issues.
Senator Kelly went on to remark that, “Creating jobs is and has been my number one goal, but today we are acting to delay that. This bill flies against the good business principals that the rest of the United States abides by and will ultimately serve to reduce employment and revenue. At a time when our economy continues to lose more jobs, this legislature deems it appropriate to keep our state closed for business by increasing the benefits to those already employed and doing nothing to attract or grow jobs.”
The State Senate debated and passed Senate Bill 913.