Senator Kissel’s Business Bill Tracker

April 11, 2011

SB 1 An Act Concerning Connecticut’s Energy Future

Sets energy-policy for Connecticut but commits the proposed Department of Energy and Environment Protection to numerous new studies, proceedings or programs that will add costs to ratepayers.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • SB 359 An Act Concerning Employer Notice to Employees Regarding Mandatory Overtime

    Requires employers to provide employees with 24 hours notice if they are going to be required to work more than 8 hours of overtime in a single pay period.

  • Died (Labor Committee)
  • SB 361 An Act Concerning Preventing the Use of Credit Scores by Certain Employers in Hiring Decisions

    Prevents employers from using an employee’s or prospective employee’s credit scores, report or history in hiring decisions with limited exception

  • Awaiting Action (Appropriations Committee)
  • SB 798 An Act Requiring Double Damages Be Awarded in Civil Actions to Collect Wages

    Penalizes employers by requiring the to pay twice the full amount of wages to an employee in a civil action to recover unpaid wages.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • SB 842 An Act Requiring Job Impact Statements on Certain Legislation Chosen by Legislative Leaders

    Requires jobs-impact statements to accompany every legislative proposal with a potential effect on employment.

  • Awaiting Action (Appropriations Committee)
  • SB 880 An Act Concerning the Publication of State Agency Regulations on the Internet

    Requires all state agencies to post their regulations online.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • SB 901 An Act Concerning The Appointment of a Municipal Ombudsmen within the Department of Economic and Community Development

    Established a municipal ombudsman within DECD who will work directly with towns to identify and facilitate economic development.

  • Died (Commerce Committee)
  • SB 902 An Act Streamlining and Creating a More Efficient and Business-Friendly Registration Process

    Required the Commissioner of DECD and the Secretary of the State’s office to report to the Commerce Committee on ways to provide new businesses with information about license requirements, tax incentive programs and economic development assistance, and requires both to streamline the registration process.

  • Died (Commerce Committee)
  • SB 913 An Act Mandating Employers Provide Paid Sick Leave to Employees

    Would make Connecticut the first state to require employers to provide one hour paid time off for every 40 hours an employee works as sick leave. Applies to employers of 50 employees or more with limited exception.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • SB 988 An Act Concerning the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund

    Would change the Unemployment Fund reserve goal to almost twice its current level, significantly impacting the length and severity of taxes employers must pay over the next 10 years.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • SB 1007 An Act Concerning the Governor’s Recommendations on Revenue

    Increases taxes by at least $1.5 B by expanding and raising the state sales tax, increasing the rate on the personal income tax, imposing property taxes on certain personal property, creating a new electric generation tax, continuing the corporate surcharge and more.

  • Awaiting Action (Finance Committee)
  • SB 1160 An Act Concerning School Transportation, the Development of a Model Teacher Performance Evaluation System, and Teacher Tenure Laws and Cooperative Arrangements

    Amends last year’s reform bill to require the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council to develop a model teacher performance evaluation system.

  • Awaiting Action
  • SB 1176 An Act Concerning Electric Rate Relief

    Imposes the only electric-generators’ tax on certain fuel sources. Will increase electric rates.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • SB 1204 An Act Establishing the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange

    Creates Connecticut’s federally-required health insurance exchange in away that undermines the private market.

  • Awaiting Action (Senate)
  • HB 5306 An Act Streamlining the Process for Obtaining State Permits

    Intended to streamline and consolidate the process for obtaining various permits from state agencies in order to facilitate construction projects and thereby stimulate the economy.

  • Died (Government Administration & Elections Committee)
  • HB 5359 An Act Concerning Expediting the State Permitting Processes

    Required any state agency that issues permits has 45 days after the application is complete to make a decision on whether to issue the permit unless the agency requests and receives permission from the General Assembly of cognizance for permission to have a longer time frame. If the agency does not issue its ruling by forty-five days, and did not get approved for a longer time frame, the business permit request will be deemed accepted. Agencies will be allowed a single two-week extension for the forty-five days for cause.

  • Died (Commerce Committee)
  • HB 5460 An Act Concerning Captive Audience Meetings

    Prohibits employers and employees from discussing a variety of matters considered "political" in the workplace under certain circumstances.

  • Awaiting Action (House)
  • HB 5650 An Act Concerning Transfers Of General Fund Surplus To The Budget Reserve Fund

    Increases the state’s budget reserve fund (Rainy Day Fund) from its present level of 10% of the overall state budget to 15% in order to give Connecticut more protection against future downturns.

  • Awaiting Action (Appropriations Committee)
  • HB 5699 An Act Providing Relief to Electricity Customers

    Increased energy cost by imposing the nations fist "windfall profits" tax on electric generators.

  • Died (Energy & Technology Committee)
  • HB 5992 An Act Requiring the Online Posting of Agency Regulations

    Requires each agency, within available appropriations and technology, and in consultation with the Department of Information and Technology and the Commission on Official Legal Publications, to post its regulations on the Internet web site of such agency.

  • Died (Government Administration & Election Committee)
  • HB 6288 An Act Concering the Department of Economic and Community Development and State Services for Small Businesses

    Required the DECD to assigns individual staff to specific businesses to help them access available resources and programs according to their individual needs.

  • Died (Commerce Committee)
  • HB 6305 An Act Concerning Implementation of the SustiNet Plan

    Imposes a state-run healthcare program on Connecticut, shifting people to taxpayer-funded plans that compete directly with the private sector. As submitted, SustiNet will dramatically increase state spending and compound Connecticut’s growing debt problems.

  • Awaiting Action (House)
  • HB 6308 An Act Establishing the Connecticut Healthcare Partnership

    Would open the expensive state employee health plan to small businesses and others. This new state-run health plan would compete directly against the private sector.

  • Awaiting Action (House)
  • HB 6316 An Act Concerning A Single Point of Entry for Businesses at the Office of the Secretary of the State

    6316 Requires the Secretary of the State to create an electronic business portal to serve as a single point of entry for businesses to help them register, determine permitting and licensure requirements, and finding available state financial incentives and programs.

  • Awaiting Action (House)
  • HB 6380 An Act Concerning the Budget for the Biennium Ending June 30, 2013

  • Awaiting Action (Appropriations Committee)
  • HB 6386 An Act Establishing the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection

    Establishes a new agency blending current state agencies dealing with energy into the Department of Environmental Protection.

  • Awaiting Action (House)
  • HB 6388 An Act Implementing the Governor’s Budget Recommendations Concerning the Office of Policy and Management

    Makes numerous changes to state programs as proposed by the Governor in his budget including, but not limited to, eliminating the reimbursement to cities and towns for the PILOT Manufacturing, Machinery and Equipment (MME) and vessel PILOT grants, repealing the commercial vehicle property tax exemption, moves state information technology policy responsibility to the Office of Policy and Management, and eliminates the Workers’ Compensation Commission’s Rehabilitation Services program.

  • Awaiting Action (Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee)
  • HB 6584 An Act Establishing a Manufacturing Reinvestment Account

    Allows manufacturers to invest in a tax-deferred Manufacturing Reinvestment Account for up to five years, using disbursements to purchase machinery, equipment, facilities, or to invest in workforce development.

  • Awaiting Action (House)
  • HB 6624 An Act Concerning the Collection and Remittance of the Sales Tax by Remote Sellers

    Indicates that sales tax is owed when an online retailer uses a CT affiliate to sell its products.

    HB 6628 An Act Concerning Tax Fairness

    An unpredictable as well as far more administratively burdensome corporate tax structure by mandating unitary reporting.