Sen. McLachlan Has Perfect Attendance During First Legislative Session
December 30, 2009According to preliminary tabulations by the Connecticut General Assembly’s Senate Clerk’s office, State Senator Michael McLachlan (R- 24th District) was present for every vote of the 2009 regular and special sessions. Sen. McLachlan cast 591 votes this year, missing only one due to a voluntary recusal when the appointment of a family member came before him for a vote.
Senator McLachlan serves on five separate committees and is known to be one of the first senators to arrive for a given meeting and one of the last to leave. In addition to an impressive record of attendance for committee meetings, Sen. McLachlan has not missed a senate session and cast his vote on every proposal possible.
“I worked hard to earn my seat in this circle,” said Sen. McLachlan. “And I take my job very seriously. I served on five separate committees this past year, which is a heavy load even for a veteran senator, and made it a priority to never miss a vote. My record of perfect attendance is something I am very proud of and I look forward to growing this record for many years to come.”
Sen. McLachlan is set to begin his second legislative session representing the people of Bethel, Danbury, New Fairfield, and Sherman. He currently serves as ranking senator on the Government Administration & Elections Committee, and also on the Finance, Revenue & Bonding, Judiciary, Legislative Management, and Transportation Committees.