State Senator Kevin Witkos Testifies in Support of Bill Repealing Restrictive Business Regulations

February 10, 2009

Hartford, CT – State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) testified today at a public hearing before the Commerce Committee in support of SB 495: An Act Concerning An Affordable Business Climate. Senator Witkos introduced the bill at the beginning of this year’s legislative session in an effort to remove what he believes are burdensome regulations on businesses in the state of Connecticut.

“As we in the General Assembly start to grapple with patching up our
State Senator Kevin Witkos (R-Canton) testifies before the General Assembly’s Commerce Committee on Tuesday in support of SB 495: An Act Concerning An Affordable Business Climate.
Senator Witkos proposed the bill in an effort to address regulations on businesses that may be deemed burdensome to their operation.
massive budget deficit, there is much talk about expanding our tax base by making Connecticut a more business-friendly state” said Senator Witkos. “But how can we expect to attract new business and foster the ones already here without first examining the countless regulations on the books that make it unnecessarily difficult for businesses to operate and turn a profit?’’

On the federal level, the Small Business Administration (SBA) conducts an annual survey of businesses to determine which regulations and laws are most cumbersome and burdensome to them. In that same vein, Senator Witkos has reached out to a number of business advocacy organizations including the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) as well as the Chambers of Commerce in the 8th District. And while he waits to hear from these groups, Senator Witkos is hopeful that this effort will start a discussion on how the state can cultivate a more accommodating and prosperous business climate.

“Connecticut is in direct competition with 49 other states to attract and sustain profitable businesses,” said Senator Witkos. “And as such, we cannot afford to ignore the concerns of the business community at a time when we so desperately need them to succeed. I believe this bill will begin to address their needs with an efficient, common-sense approach and I hope the committee moves it swiftly through the legislative process.”

A similar bill was proposed last year by the Commerce Committee. The bill, SB 399: An Act Concerning Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, was passed by the Senate but died on the House calendar. The bill would have established a special task force to examine ways of providing regulatory relief for small businesses.