State Representative Hetherington and Senator Boucher To Host Forum On Connecticut Budget Crisis March 1st At Wilton Public Library
February 19, 2009Discussion To Focus On Resolving Crisis Without Deepening Or Prolonging Recession
WILTON-State Representative John Hetherington and State Senator Toni Boucher will host a public forum to discuss how we can resolve Connecticut’s fiscal problems without deepening or prolonging the recession that has already resulted in many closed businesses, lost jobs, and loss of homes and retirement savings.
The budget forum, “How We Got Here and Where Do We Go From Here” will be held Sunday, March 1st at the Wilton Public Library,
137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton, CT from 12:00 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Anyone interested in learning more about the state budget crisis is invited to attend. During the forum, Senator Boucher, a member of the General Assembly’s Finance, Revenue & Bonding Committee, and Representative Hetherington, a member of the Appropriations Committee, and local elected officials will begin the discussion with an overview of the state budget process. They will then answer questions and elicit recommendations from the public on how to close the state government’s budget deficit.