Senator McLachlan Seeks Assistance From State to Help Workers Laid Off from Ethan Allen

February 17, 2009

Hartord, CT – State Senator Michael McLachlan (R-Danbury) contacted the state’s Department of Labor Commissioner Patricia Mayfield to begin assistance to the employees recently laid off from the Ethan Allen home furnishings company last week. Senator McLachlan has requested that the Department of Labor dispatch its Rapid Response Team to Danbury immediately to educate workers on job assistance, unemployment benefits and training opportunities.

“Layoffs can be a crushing blow to any individual or family, whenever they occur,” said Senator McLachlan. “But when they happen in the midst of such difficult economic times, they can be even more damaging. I am pleased the Department of Labor and Commissioner Mayfield have responded so quickly to these layoffs in Danbury and I encourage the folks who were laid off to take advantage of the services being offered by the Department’s Rapid Response Team.”

The State Department of Labor has informed Senator McLachlan that it has contacted Ethan Allen to offer workforce assistance and will be mailing information packets that outline employment services to the company for the laid off workers.

“I am pleased that the State Department of Labor is responding so swiftly to this matter,” said Senator McLachlan. “Particularly during these tough economic times, it is crucial we all work together to help re-locate these employees as soon as possible.”