Sen. McKinney To Host Teen Driving Forum At Fairfield Ludlowe High School
March 24, 2008Senate Minority Leader John McKinney (R-28) will host a teen driving forum at Fairfield Ludlowe High School at 9:25 a.m. Tuesday, March 25th. The school is located at 785 Unquowa Road in Fairfield.
The forum is intended to engage students in a discussion and solicit their input about teen driving safety and new legislative proposals being considered in the Connecticut General Assembly.
Senator McKinney will be joined by members of the Governor’s Task Force for Teen Driving and local EMS representatives in a panel discussion with Fairfield Ludlowe High School’s entire junior and senior classes, between 500-600 students. Also joining Senator McKinney will be Fairfield First Selectman Ken Flatto, Representative Kim Fawcett (D-Fairfield, Westport), Representative Tom Drew (D-Fairfield) and Representative Tom Christiano (D-Fairfield, Trumbull).