Sen. Kissel to Speak at Teenage Driving Presentation at Suffield High School
March 28, 2008Nonprofit organization looks to eliminate tragedies caused by inexperienced drivers
State Senator John A. Kissel, R-Enfield, will provide welcoming remarks at a presentation sponsored by the nonprofit group !MPACT. Also known as Mourning Parents Act, Inc., !MPACT’s mission is to eliminate tragedies caused by inexperienced drivers through awareness, education and legislation. They have developed a teen driver safety program in which members share their experiences in a powerfully emotional presentation that not only has an immediate effect on students, but makes a lasting impression on them.
Sen. Kissel will join members of !MPACT as they make a presentation to students at Suffield High School. The event is scheduled for Monday March 31st, at 8:25 a.m., at Suffield High School. Suffield High School is located at 1060 Sheldon Street, West Suffield, CT 06093.