Senator Kissel Opposes Toll Booths on I-91 in Enfield

December 12, 2006

State Senator John A. Kissel (R-Enfield) today spoke out in opposition to suggestions to place toll booths on Interstate 91 in Enfield. Senator Kissel represents seven towns in North Central Connecticut, with I-91 running right through Enfield.

“I certainly oppose putting toll booths on I-91 in Enfield. In particular, putting tolls on I-91 in Enfield could severely adversely impact the health, safety, and economy of North Central Connecticut,” said Senator Kissel. “I-91 between Hartford and Enfield was simply not designed to handle toll booths. With its numerous entrance and exit ramps, motorists would constantly be getting off the highway onto Route 5 in order to circumvent the tolls, which could result in massive traffic jams, air pollution, and traffic accidents.”

“Connecticut will need to help find ways to pay for upgrades to its transportation infrastructure, but installing toll booths is not the way to do it. One of the major goals of the State’s transportation initiative is to decrease traffic jams on our state highways, but installing toll booths would certainly have just the opposite effect.”

“Exit 49, 48, and 47 East and West off of I-91 are right off the Massachusetts border and lead right into the Enfield’s popular commercial district, an area already saturated with heavy traffic. Further congestion brought on by tolls could make the traffic situation unbearable and, in turn, hurt the local economy.”

Senator Kissel also noted that toll booths would negatively impact Connecticut’s efforts to attract travelers to Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks.

“The State has made efforts to expand Bradley and the Hartford-Springfield Knowledge Corridor and draw people to the airport, especially travelers from Western Massachusetts. Installing tolls would be, both literally and figuratively, a major roadblock to these efforts and another reason they are a bad idea for North Central Connecticut.”

Senator Kissel was re-elected to his eighth term representing the 7th District Communities of East Granby, Enfield, Granby, Somers, Suffield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks.