Senator Kissel Announces Agreement to Deliver $2.8 Million to Enfield

February 16, 2006

Reimbursement Deal Receives Bi-Partisan Support from State and Local Officials

State Senator John A. Kissel (R-Enfield) joined several state and local officials at a meeting yesterday in order to settle a disagreement over a $2.8 million state reimbursement due to the town of Enfield to upgrade its wastewater treatment plant. The meeting was held at the office of OPM Secretary Robert Genuario, who played a major role in seeing that the money was released to the town. Also in attendance were State Representatives Steven M. Jarmoc (D-59th) and Kathleen M. Tallarita (D-58th), Acting Town Manager Christopher Bromson, and several State Department of Correction (DOC) officials.

Back in 2004, the Town of Enfield asserted that State DOC facilities had excess sewage flows from July 2002 to February 2003. But the state disputed the meter readings as well as a surcharge of $135,000,000 the Town said it was owed due to a 1990 agreement with the DOC. If a court agreed with the state Enfield would be left with little or no compensation. In 2004, state and local officials including Senator Kissel and Representatives Tallarita and Jarmoc met in an effort to achieve a compromise short of court action and settled on $2.8 million as an agreeable amount for the state to pay the town. In return, the Town would reduce the surcharge on excess sewage flows going forward.

However, after the funding was put into the 2005 Bond Bill and subsequently released by the State Bond Commission on December 9th, 2005, the State Department of Corrections refused to release the funds, claiming a formal signed agreement had not been reached. Yesterday’s meeting helped compel the DOC to live by the terms of the settlement.

“I would like to thank Secretary Genuario, Rep. Tallarita, Rep. Jarmoc, Mayor Patrick Tallarita, Minority Leader Scott Kaupin, and Acting Town Manager Bromson who worked together to see that Enfield received the money they were owed,” said Senator Kissel. “This demonstrates what can be accomplished when elected officials work together in the best interests of the town.”

Senator Kissel is a Deputy Minority Leader and represents the citizens of Granby, East Granby, Enfield, Somers, Suffield, Windsor, and Windsor Locks.