Senator Kissel Discusses Charitable Fundraising on Cable Show

November 24, 2004

Senator John A. Kissel, R-Enfield, welcomes members of two local organizations to his cable program to discuss each group’s fundraising efforts. Appearing on this month’s edition of ” Senator Kissel & Friends” are Dick Barthel of the Windsor Locks Lions Club and Clemence Dumont and Nancy Kalyan of the Women’s Club of Enfield. This month’s episode will be shown throughout the Month of December on Cox Cable Channel 15 on Mondays at 9:30 p.m.

“This is the time of year when people are looking to help local charities,” said Sen. Kissel. “The Women’s Club of Enfield along with the Windsor Locks Lions Club have served our communities for many decades. Indeed, the Women’s Club of Enfield has 180 members and the Windsor Locks Lions Club, with 160 members, is the largest chapter in the state. ”

According to Senator Kissel, the Women’s Club of Enfield is sponsoring an Adopt-a-Wing program to help refurbish the Connecticut State Veteran’s Home in Rocky Hill. “While our men and women are serving in Afghanistan and Iraq, what could be better than helping those veterans who have already served?” said Senator Kissel. The Windsor Locks Lions Club is once again putting together its dozens of annual holiday baskets to help feed those in need. “The Lions just put together dozens of Thanksgiving baskets and now it’s time for the holiday drive. It really seems like the whole town of Windsor Locks comes together to make this a success. I encourage everyone to tune in to learn more about these two great organizations. It’s a fun show with plenty of holiday spirit!” concluded Senator Kissel