Senator Kissel Lauds Choice of Bob Genuario to Head Budget Office
September 15, 2004State Senator John A. Kissel, R-Enfield, today praised Governor M. Jodi Rell’s choice of Sen. Robert Genuario of Norwalk to become her next budget director. According to Sen. Kissel, he does not know of a candidate more suited for this position than his fellow colleague with whom he has served with for the last 12 years in the State Senate.
“This is truly a great choice by Governor Rell,” said Sen. Kissel. “I have known Bob Genuario for many years and he is one of the most dedicated and compassionate persons one will ever meet. That is why he is respected the way he is in the legislature.”
Senator Genuario was first elected to the State Senate in 1990. He announced earlier this year that he would not seek reelection. During his tenure in the legislature he has served as Chairman of the Appropriations Committee and for the last eight years has been the Committee’s Ranking Member. He is widely known for his fairness and knowledge of the state’s budget process.
“Being fortunate enough to have worked with Bob for the last 12 years and to have him as a friend as well as a colleague, I know just how dedicated he is,” said Sen. Kissel. “I remember conducting an informational hearing on education matters with him in Enfield several years ago, and I was truly amazed by his concerns for the people of North Central Connecticut. Here was someone taking time out of his busy schedule, coming all the way up to Enfield from Norwalk to discuss these issues. His concern for residents of our area was genuine; it was as if he was speaking to people he was representing. Bob is the right person to be the state’s next budget director.”
Sen. Genuario will initially work under current budget director Marc S. Ryan who is presumably set to leave his post sometime next year. Senator Genuario will assume his new position at the Office of Policy and Management after his term expires in January of 2005.