Sen. Kissel, Rep. Tallarita to Hold Informational Hearing on Elm Street Project

March 29, 2004

State Senator John A. Kissel, R-Enfield, and State Representative Kathy Tallarita, D-Enfield, have scheduled an informational hearing to discuss the Elm Street construction project. The hearing is scheduled for Thursday, April 15 th from 5 – 7:00 p.m., at the Enfield Town Hall in the Enfield Room, lower level. According to the legislators, a representative from the state Department of Transportation will be on hand to answer questions regarding the project.

“There have been a lot of concerns regarding the Elm Street project from both residents and businesses alike,” said Sen. Kissel. “That is why it is important for us to hold this hearing so those people who have specific questions can get the information they need.”