An Important Proposal to Protect CT Seniors

February 28, 2018

An important proposal to protect seniors gets a public hearing on Thursday:

Senate Bill 150  – An Act Providing for Protections for Consumers Applying for Reverse Mortgages

The bill prevents CT banks from originating a reverse mortgage unless the bank has:

  •  informed the applicant of the HUD counseling requirement
  • received certification that the applicant has attended the counseling session, and that the counseling session was conducted in person.

Here’s how you can speak out on behalf of this bill to urge its passage into state law.

  1.  Send a brief email to [email protected]
  2. Reference Senate Bill 150 in the subject line
  3. Copy me at [email protected] / include your name and town
  4. Share this information with CT seniors and their families.

The bill can be read here:

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you!