You Can Compare the CT Budget Proposals

June 25, 2017


The CT Senate Republicans have put forth a detailed, thoughtful, vetted, balanced, line-by-line update to the Confident Connecticut Republican state budget proposal for fiscal years 2018 and 2019.

Our proposal continues to provide funding for vital services to our most vulnerable residents and increase funding for education to towns and cities across the state.

We protect hospitals from being hit with more taxes.

We protect taxpayers from being overburdened by new taxes or policies that would result in significant increases to property taxes.

Read the CT Senate Republicans’ plan budget summary and line by line budget attached.

Compare the CT Senate Republicans’ plan…

***** Read the Governor’s Executive Order Resource Allocation Plan:–Executive-Order-Resource-Allocation-Plan.pdf?la=en

*****Read the Governor’s “Mini Budget” Details:

Contact me with any questions you may have at [email protected] .

Please sign our CT Senate Republican petition to support a new direction for Connecticut at .

Thank you!