Do you remember 1992?

March 31, 2017

In 1992, more than 80 % of Connecticut voters approved a Constitutional Spending Cap.

More than 80 % !

But the Legislature has never fully implemented the spending cap.

The voters’ mandate has been ignored for 25 years.

Do you agree that Connecticut needs a strong cap on state government spending – one that cannot be sidestepped?

If so, I am pleased to inform you that my proposal to implement the constitutional spending cap – the cap that more 80 % of Connecticut residents voted for in 1992 – will receive a public hearing on Monday, April 3.

You can help me get this sensible, fiscally responsible measure passed:

  1. send an email to [email protected] (the email may be as brief as you like)
  2. copy me on the email at [email protected] (include name and town)
  3. put “Support Suzio’s Bill # 51” in the Subject Line
  4. Share this info with CT taxpayers!

Thank you!