Senator Kissel Releases Statement on Governor’s Proposed Budget

February 9, 2017

“$200 BUCKS – POOF! – IT’S GONE”


HARTFORD, Conn. – Today, Senator John A. Kissel (R-Enfield) released the following statement regarding Governor Malloy’s proposed 2018-2019 biennial state budget.

“My initial reaction to this proposed budget is that it’s a hodgepodge of things with no underlying direction,” said Sen. Kissel. “On one hand the governor is giving and on the other hand he is taking away, and unfortunately when the dust settles our towns and middle-class families are going to be bearing the brunt of this budget.”

“I think it’s a mistake to shift teachers’ pensions to municipalities, for many decades the state has funded these pensions. When you get down to the bottom line of this proposal, we are rewarding towns who have mismanaged their money and punishing towns who have lived within their means,” said Sen. Kissel.

The governor’s proposal includes at least a $408 million property tax increase as a result of shifting nearly one-third of the annual cost of municipal school teachers’ pensions onto cities and towns.

“What’s even more concerning is the $632 million in tax increases, which among various fees, includes the elimination of the property tax credit and reductions to the earned income tax credit. Getting rid of the property tax credit, right there that’s $200 bucks of your money – poof – it’s gone and into the governor’s coffers,” said Sen. Kissel.