Can You Join Me on Monday?

February 23, 2017

Say No to Tolls!

Connecticut residents are already taxed enough as it is, yet there are several bill proposals which will add another tax in the form of Connecticut tolls. These bills are up for a public hearing on Monday, February 27th.

What: Public Hearing on the Installation of tolls in Connecticut
When: Monday, February 27th at 11 AM
Where: Legislative Office Building in Hartford, Room 2C

The bills are as follows:

You can join me in speaking out against these bills.

    1. Send a brief email to [email protected]
    2. Tell your legislators to vote “NO” on tolls
    3. Feel free to cc me on the email at [email protected]
    4. Share this information with other taxpayers in your community

I will be testifying and submitting testimony in opposition to these bills that would institute tolls again in Connecticut. If you are unable to attend the hearing, you may still submit testimony.

*When submitting testimony please attach in a word or pdf file.

Thank you!