More Than 50 Attend Westport State Lawmakers’ Coffee Hour

April 27, 2016


Westport—State Senator Toni Boucher and State Senator Tony Hwang hosted a well-attended coffee hour Apr. 25 at Winfield Street Espresso & Panini Bar to discuss many of the issues facing the state of Connecticut.

“It was exciting to see more 50 residents from all over the district speaking out against common problems,” said Sen. Boucher. “People are furious with the state of the state, everything from education funding cuts, budget deficits, GE leaving, proposed transportation taxes, and the failures of the DMV came up. Small business owners are particularly upset with the unpredictability of state regulations and taxes that they say are preventing them from creating new jobs in our state. Republicans are offering a budget alternative which protects our children’s education and those in need while funding transportation infrastructure upgrades that our region so badly needs.”

“I am so impressed by the engaged Westporters for their thoughtfully shared concerns on issues affecting Connecticut and their local community,” Sen. Hwang said. “Our priority as state lawmakers must be to restore predictability, sustainability and transparency to our state’s finances in order to bring predictability to local town governance and budgeting. I am proud that our plan will hold harmless state ECS funding for education and protect services for our most vulnerable residents while making fundamental, long-term structural reforms. We can do this without tax or fee increases on residents and businesses. I will advocate for these sound, common sense ideas being passed soon so that we can put Connecticut and our towns back on a stable and sustainable budget path. Let’s get back to work.”