Connecticut Lawmakers hear about school security [WFSB]

February 14, 2013

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HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) -“School shootings are hard to predict, but easy to prepare for,”according to a school psychologist that talked to Connecticut lawmakers Wednesday.

“They shut up, don’t say anything,” said school psychologist Dr. David Bernstien during a hearing for a special task force on school safety. “I don’t want to be responsible for getting a kid kicked out of school.”

Bernstien told Gun Violence Prevention Working Group of the Legislature’s Bipartisan Task Force that zero tolerance policies don’t always work and we need to do a better job at reporting incidents and then putting it all together.

He said 75 percent of shooters have been bullied themselves. Many have depression with suicidal thoughts and they have access to weapons.

Many schools already have policies in place to report bullying anonymously including Middletown, where officials encourage students to come forward.

“Our middle school, Woodrow Wilson Middle, has a pride patrol that is expanding out to the elementary school,” said Middletown Board of Education Member Gene Nocera. “And that’s a good thing.”

Recommendations on school safety were due Friday, but was delayed by the snow storm.

Connecticut lawmakers expect to vote on something by the end of the month.