Congratulating Green’s Farms Congregational Church

June 14, 2011

300 years of giving!

I was honored to speak at the recent anniversary celebration honoring The Green’s Farms Congregational Church in Westport and their 300 years of service in the community through worship and outreach.

I expressed to the congregation my pride for what they have accomplished.

“Your church is amazing in that you’ve worshiped continuously here for 300 years,” said Senator Boucher. “The parish family is devoted to helping others in need, both in the local community and outside the United States.”

In my remarks I also recalled that historically, the colonial legislature in Connecticut was responsible for authorizing and chartering churches. The West Parish congregation became the nucleus of what ultimately became Westport. John Green was one of the original settlers in the area – he had the largest farm, so leaders named the area after him.

An interesting note – the state itself was founded by Congregationalists, and their churches were the bedrock of education as the first taxes went to pay the minister and for schools run by churches. The Fundamental Orders, which served as the first constitution of the colony, actually mandated that the church and the state government would go about their business independently.

Today there are currently 630 members of the Green’s Farms Congregational Church. The church says they are among the top 100 growth churches – baptisms and new members – with in the United Church of Christ organization.


Toni Boucher