New Connecticut State Laws In Effect Beginning July 1, 2010

July 6, 2010

I often remind constituents that every single piece of legislation passed by the General Assembly, no matter how technical or seemingly minor, affects our lives in some way. Therefore, it is in everyone’s best interest to understand how the General Assembly works, and to keep informed about new laws.

Generally, new laws that do not take effect upon passage go into effect on January 1st, July 1st or October 1st. Sometimes, different portions of new laws take effect on different dates – and, sometimes, laws passed in one year are set to take effect on a certain date in a future year.

This year, 64 new laws, or portions of new laws, went into effect on July 1st. Not surprisingly, these new laws address a wide variety of issues, including state government spending and taxes, health insurance and healthcare, transportation, education, business and jobs, municipalities, the judicial system, and social services.

Interested readers can find the entire list of new laws at by clicking on “New Legislation Effective July 1, 2010.” Meanwhile, I will take this opportunity to highlight a few.

  • An Act Concerning The Recommendations Of The Majority Leaders’ Job Growth Roundtable (Public Act 10-75) includes several provisions set to take effect on July 1st. Overall, this new law is designed to be a far-reaching and comprehensive initiative to promote business development and new jobs for Connecticut residents. Portions of the new in effect as of July 1st involve, among other provisions, tax credits and investors; providing financial and technical assistance to established businesses; establishing a green manufacturing pilot program; and establishing the Connecticut Competitiveness Council.
  • An Act Concerning Vocational-Technical Schools (Public Act 10-76) expands the State Board of Education to include at least two members who have experience in manufacturing or vocational-technical schools; requires the state Bond Commission to vote on authorized but unallocated vo-tech school bond funds when the balance reaches a certain threshold; and requires the State Board of Education to take certain steps before closing or suspending the operation of a vocational-technical school, including holding a public hearing and a vote. Note that beginning on April 1, 2011 the State Board of Education will be required to include a member who has experience in agriculture or regional agricultural science and technology education center experience.
  • An Act Concerning Student Athletes And Concussions (Public Act 10-62) requires those who have a coaching permit from the State Board of Education to take student athletes out of any interscholastic or intramural game or practice if they show signs of, or have been diagnosed with, a concussion. Such students must be cleared by a medical professional before being allowed to return to practice or a game.
  • An Act Concerning Premium Quotes And Information For Small Employer Health Insurance Coverage (Public Act 10-4) creates the Connecticut Clearinghouse from which individuals and small employers may obtain information about health insurance policies and healthcare in Connecticut, and requires the Health Reinsurance Association to administer the clearinghouse within available appropriations. By law, all Connecticut HMOs and health insurers are members of the Health Reinsurance Association.

As always, I urge constituents to contact me with their questions and concerns, or to discuss issues that are important to Connecticut. I can be reached at my legislative office in Hartford at 1-800-842-1421 or via e-mail to [email protected].

Senator Rob Kane represents the 32nd Senatorial District, which includes the communities of Bethlehem, Bridgewater, Middlebury, Oxford, Seymour, Southbury, Thomaston, Roxbury, Watertown and Woodbury.